Shuchi Khosla, MD
SHUCHI KHOSLA, M.D. serves as the Chief Psychiatry Resident at Michigan State University. She concurrently works as a Consulting Psychiatrist for the Emergency Department at Sparrow Hospital. Born and raised in India, she completed her medical school at Goa Medical before moving to Michigan for residency. She has been awarded the American Psychiatric Association’s SAMHSA minority fellowship for the year 2021-22 to continue her work related to combating stigma, advocacy of mental health, and culturally competent education on mental illness in the underserved immigrant communities from South & Central Asia.

Parenting & Families Panel - 11th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference in Tempe Arizona
First lecture: Child/Adolescent Mental Health: Engaging Families and Systems - Shuchi Khosla, MD & Henry (Sin) Chu, MD
This presentation will describe the systems serving the emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and equip families to collaborate with the goal of providing family driven, youth guided, culturally competent and well coordinated care.

Dr Shuchi Khosla at the 2020 Conference along with other program committee members, Aquila, Faarah Hammad, Dr Farha Abbasi, Dr Hooman Keshavarzi, Dr Hamada Hamid

Dr Shuchi Khosla next to Michigan State Senator Curtis Hertel and other conference volunteers at the 2017 Conference.

Dr Shuchi Khosla with conferenc volunteers at the 10th Annual Conference in Washington DC.
First lecture: Child/Adolescent Mental Health: Engaging Families and Systems - Shuchi Khosla, MD & Henry (Sin) Chu, MD This presentation will describe the systems serving the emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and equip families to collaborate with the goal of providing family driven, youth guided, culturally competent and well coordinated care.
Second lecture: The Emotionally Balanced Parent - Nafisa Sekandari, Psy.D. Given the diverse ethnic and cultural nature of Muslims within the Muslim community, parenting can be a challenge for those integrating home culture with the mainstream culture in the United States. Many parents struggle with proper parenting of their children due to lack of appropriate role modeling or emotional support from their environments. This parenting presentation aims to focus on empowering the parent with the tools they need to improve their skills and ability through the understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses and address overall mental healthiness within the parent first. Followed by Q&A
Culture and Identity Panel
13th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference (2021)
"When I say we, I mean Black people, of course”: Contrasting dividing practices in Canadian Muslim Psychoeducation - Arij Elmi, MSW, BSW, Ph.D Candidate
Compassionate Fatigue in Muslim Providers - Farha Abbasi, M.D. & Batool Kazim, M.D.
Invalidation in immigrant cultures- Is it pathological or Normative? - Shuchi Khosla, M.D., Ann Marie Botros, M.D., Kenchiro Kue, DO
Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry
Institute for Muslim Mental Health
Clinical Care Considerations Panel - Muslim Mental Health Conference
Spiritually Integrated Healthcare in the Psychiatric Setting - Hira Silat, M.D. Liberation Psychology and Directive and Non-Directive Approaches for us in cross-cultural Muslim Mental Health Settings - Sarah Mohr, MSW, MA Discussant: Shuchi Khosla, M.D.
12th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry Khalil Center Institute of Muslim Mental Health