Hooman Keshavarzi is licensed as a psychotherapist in the state of Illinois, he holds a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology, a Masters of Clinical Psychology and a Bachelors of Science – specialist psychology track/minor in Islamic Studies. He is currently a visiting scholar for Ibn Haldun University (Istanbul, Turkey), Adjunct Professor at American Islamic College, Hartford Seminary, instructor of psychology at Islamic Online University and founding director of Khalil Center – the first Islamically oriented professional community mental wellness center and largest provider of Muslim mental healthcare in the US. He is also a fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding at the Global Health Center, conducting research on topics related to Muslims and Mental Health. Hooman Keshavarzi is an international public speaker and trainer currently serving as a Clinical supervisor of graduate students of clinical psychology at the Village of Hoffman Estates (DHS). He also delivers seminars on specialized topics around multiculturalism and psychology.
Hooman Keshavarzi has also authored several published academic papers in recognized peer-reviewed journals on integrating Islamic spirituality into modern psychological practice.
In addition to his academic training, Hooman Keshavarzi has studied Islamic theology both formally and informally. He is a student of Shaykh Muhammad Zakariya from Toronto, Canada, where he attended his hadith and spiritual discourses for a number of years. After moving to Chicago, he studied informally with Shaykh Azeemuddin Ahmed, later formally enrolling in Darussalam Academy for 4 years. During this time he also did some specialized coursework with Shaykh Amin Kholwadia in Islamic counseling. He then transferred to Darul Qasim where he is continuing his higher Islamic education.

Dr Hooman Keshavarzi welcomes attendees at the 12th Annual Conference, which was held online due to the pandemic which necessitated cancelling the in-person Chicago conference in July 2020.

Dr Hooman Keshavarzi presents the Mental Health First Aid Training session at the 9th Annual Conference in East Lansing, MI, 2017.

Dr Hooman Keshavarzi gives a presentation Mental Health First Aid Training session at the 10th Annual Conference in Washington DC.

At the 11th Annual MMH Conference in Tempe Arizona, part of the First Responders Training, led by Hooman Keshavarsi, MA, Psy.D, LCPC, from Khalil Center, talks about the need for Muslim-tailored mental health interventions.
Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy Panel
Discussant: Rania Awaad, MD
*Developing Islamic Therapeutic Interventions - Rabia Malik, Ph.D, M.Sc.
*Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP): Emotion Oriented Psychotherapy - Hooman Keshavarzi, Psy.D., Sara Keshavarzi, MA
*Building an Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy: A Grounded Theory Study - Abdallah Rothman, Ph.D.
*Suicide: An Islamic Religio-Psychological Synthesis - Khalid Elzamzamy, M.D.
12th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference hosted by Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry Khalil Center Institute of Muslim Mental Health
Psychology of Personal Change Dr Hooman Keshavarzi
In this seminar Hooman Keshavarzi lays out common dilemmas of Muslim parents living in the West and outlines practical strategies informed by the Islamic tradition and the psychology of children & adolescents.
In this talk, Dr. Hooman Keshavarzi presents some of the common problems of having a scattered brain, a need for overstimulation that contributes to inattention and continuous dissatisfaction with life. Dr. Keshavarzi discusses approaches to combat the challenges and barriers for true contentment.
DEBATE: Is Islamic Psychology Ready for Clinical Practice?
Hamada Hamid, DO MPH vs. Hooman Keshavarzi, Psy.D
Moderator: Farha Abbasi MD
12th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference
Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry, Khalil Center, Institute of Muslim Mental Health