4th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference (2012)

Dr Abbasi discusses mental health needs among Muslim populations.

Over 75 guests attended the conference, ranging from psychologists to nurses to community members.

Dr Wahiba Abu-Ras, Professor in the School of Social Work at Adelphi University, gave a talk on The Imam’s Role in Mental Health Promotion. She was presented with an Certificate of Appreciation for her dedication to promoting Muslim Mental Health initiatives.
2012 Muslim Mental Health Conference in East Lansing Michigan, sponsored by Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry.
At-Risk Muslim Adolescents & Emerging Adults: Towards Effective Pastoral Interventions - Sameera Ahmed, PhD
2012 Muslim Mental Health Conference, East Lansing MI, sponsored by the Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry.
The Imam’s Role in Mental Health Promotion: A Study at 22 Mosques in New York City’s Muslim Community by Wahiba Abu Ras
2012 Muslim Mental Health Conference, East Lansing MI, sponsored by the Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry.
A Work in Progress: Effective Collaboration Between Imams and Islamic Chaplains in the Muslim Community with Imam Jones, Chaplain Negedu, Chaplain Yahya
2012 Muslim Mental Health Conference, East Lansing MI, sponsored by the Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry.
Virg Bernero keynote at 2012 Muslim Mental Health Conference
2012 Muslim Mental Health Conference, East Lansing MI, April 14, 2012 sponsored by the Michigan State University Department of Psychiatry.
Chaplain (LTC) Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad was affirmed into the U.S. Army as the first Islamic Chaplain in the U.S. Armed Forces

Additional photos are found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=muslimmentalhealth&set=a.249882231839611
Additional videos are found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2he82GeIDSYDdkFTq_muyQjPxSJibrrL